Google Workspace Marketplace

What Is Google Workspace Marketplace: Is It Worth Using?

Google Workspace Marketplace is an online store for web applications with third-party software that works with Google Workspace Services. It provides a wide range of quality enterprise apps that add features and functionality to Google Cloud apps.

It lists Google Workspace Add-ons, Web Apps, and Drive Apps which are integrated with Google Workspace. For example, CRMs. Security, Project Management Tools, and Document Management.

Google Workspace Marketplace

After you sign in for Google Workspace, you will get access to an integrated set of applications that work together. You will receive a message in Gmail and it will convert into a calendar event. Google workspace marketplace is a specialization for the administrators. You can very easily install a google marketplace app in your domain and can choose who can use the app.

Your web developers can work with you to move any docs, slides, and forms add-ons to google marketplace. Don’t install any add-ons until they are moved as you won’t be able to find them in the google marketplace and reinstall them. Make sure you go through the google workspace security and verify your ownership of your domain and sign in through your administer account.

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What Kind Of Apps Does Google Workspace Marketplace Have?

1. Business Tools

Business management tools available on Google Workspace Marketplace help owners operate their business smoothly, improve performance, and compete better. Best Business Tools like Google Analytics, Data Connector, Mail Merge, etc, can provide your business a long term stability. 

2. Productivity Tools

Being productive is the key to success for any business, and Google understands it very well. It has best Productivity apps and tools like AppSheet, Lucidchart, Form Notification, Google App Script, and others that allow you to be more creative while keeping your productivity chart up to the mark.

3. Education Tools

Educational institutions and organizations sometimes struggle to align with their students for exams and classes. Various teacher and Education Tools like Pear Deck, Sketch Up, Classroom Manager etc, provide a hassle free solution to both students and teachers.

4. Communication Apps

Google Workspace Marketplace has a wide range of communication tools and apps for both internal and external communication. These tools include Business Hangouts, Zoom For Google Workspace, Microsoft teams meeting, Slack, and mire

5. Utility Apps

Last but not the least, Utility apps are great to complete small but important tasks in any organization. Google Workspace Marketplace features Adobe Acrobat, Form Builder, Form Timer, and many more other tools that can complete your hectic tasks without paying extra charges.

How To Install Google Workspace Marketplace?


  1. Sign to your Google Admin Console. (Sign in only using an ‘administrator account’)
  2. Go to ‘Apps’ from the Admin ConsoleGoogle Workspace Apps
  3. To Domain Install list click ‘Add app
  4. Now click on the Google Workspace Marketplace and choose the “apps listSelect Google Workspace Apps List
  5. Now you have to choose either “Add App to Domain Install List” or “Google Workspace Marketplace AllowlistAdd Google Workspace Apps to List
  6. Browse Google Workspace Marketplace and click an app.Browse Google Workspace Marketplace Apps
  7. Choose how to install the app. You can also make changes later after you install the app.
    • Domain Install:- Installs the app for your entire domain or for a specific organizational unit.
    • Individual Install:- Installs the app only on your account.
  8. Click Continue.Read The Google Workspace Marketplace Instructions
  9. Read the instructions carefully and check the agreement box and click Accept. [/alert-announce]

Note:- It may take 24 hours for an app to be available for the users.

Why Is Google Workspace Marketplace The Best Platform?

Quick & Simple Setup

With a few mouse clicks, users may find and install programs that are relevant to their needs. The Google Admin panel allows you to restrict which applications your users may install on their own. Applications may be turned on and off for the whole domain, for specific categories of users, or allowed so only certain apps can be installed.

You may also set up applications so that everyone in your domain or user group has access to them, eliminating the need for individual users to undertake any installation work. You may also let customers know when a new app is available by putting a notification in the app store.

User Convenience

Your customers will be able to launch your app fast and simply when it has been installed. You may use the Add-ons menu to open add-ons for Docs, Sheets, Forms, and Slides.

In Google Drive, you may use the New button to create a new file of a specific kind, such as a flowchart file. Also, by right-clicking and choosing “Open With…”, you may open a previously saved file.

It’s also possible to locate installed programs by clicking on the Google Workspace symbol in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and scrolling to the bottom.

Make Automate Applications

Custom applications may be produced utilizing cloud services like Google App Engine or Apps Script, and they can be easily deployed in the Google Workplace Marketplace.

It is possible to design these applications in-house or with the assistance of cloud and mobile app developers. Like any other Marketplace app, you just add them to your marketplace and install them for the appropriate users in your domain when they’re ready to go.

Secure Plateform For Any Applictatons

In the Google Workspace Marketplace, third-party developers offer the bulk of the applications. The Google Workspace Marketplace listing standards and program regulations, including the Google Developer Agreement, must be adhered to by application developers.

As a result, app developers must explicitly communicate their terms of service, including their privacy policies and deletion policies, for each app they create. Google’s Admin Console may be used to obtain a summary of the data that an app has access to once installed.


Google Workspace Marketplace helps you control and create your own app listing. App Listing is a collection of graphics, app integrations, texts that describe your application and tell its features. What else can be more convenient than that? It has hundreds of apps that may be used to improve the experience of your Google Workspace customers and help them become even more productive. The Google Workspace Marketplace is a great place to start if you want to expedite your digital transformation efforts and maximize your investment in Google Workspace. There is no question about why you should not use this extraordinary platform to grow your business!



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