How To Cancel Google Workspace

How To Cancel Google Workspace In 2023

If you are wondering how to cancel or delete Google workspace, then you have come to the right place. I will make you understand each and everything you need to know about how to cancel Google workspace.

How To Cancel Google Workspace

The platform currently has over 6 million active users and the number is continuously going up. If you are here to check how Google Workspace is canceled, then I am pretty sure you too are one of the 6 million active users but now, for some reason you want to cancel your Google Workspace, and have no idea how to do it.

Don’t worry! We’ve got you.

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Before Cancelling Google Workspace 

Before you start canceling your Google workspace, you have to save your data. You must download every important data or the data you want to save before canceling your Google workspace subscription. This will include all your data like Gmail messages, Google calendar events, Google chat messages, and the files stored in Google drive.

You could use the Data Export Tool for this purpose. It is the easiest way to download and export users’ data.

How to cancel your Google Workspace?

You can cancel your Google Workspace subscription at any time after your 30-day free trial has ended. Below are the simple steps you have to follow for easy canceling of your Google workspace subscription. Follow these simple steps after you have downloaded all your important data.  [alert-announce]

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console. Google Admin console
  2. On the Homepage of Admin console go to Billing > Manage subscription. Homepage of Admin console
  3. Click on your subscription and then click more. For more options, choose Cancel subscription. Read about the charges after you cancel.Click On Cancel Subscription
  4. Select your reason for Cancelling and then click continue. Reason for Cancelling Google Workspace
  5. Check the box to confirm that you have read all the information and want to continue. read all the information
  6. Enter your email address again and then finally click Cancel my subscriptionGoogle will begin deleting your Google workspace data 51 days after you cancel your subscription. [/alert-announce]

What happens when you cancel your Google workspace?

When you have successfully canceled your Google workspace, all your data including Gmail messages, Google calendar events, Google chat messages, accounts and many more will be deleted permanently. You won’t be able to restore the data or accounts. 

That is the reason you should download and restore all your important data and documents before canceling your Google workspace. 

Frequently Ask Questions

1. Why was I charged after canceling Google Workspace?

As usual, you will be billed at the start of the new month for any due charges in your account after you had canceled Google workspace.  This amount is calculated according to your service and billing plan.

2. Would I be able to restore my data after canceling the Google workspace?

The simple answer is NO. You have to download all your important data and documents before canceling your Google workspace. 

3. When will Google start deleting my data?

Google will begin deleting your Google workspace data 51 days after you cancel your subscription.


Google workspace is an amazing one-stop solution for all your basic needs. Do not cancel your subscription if you are facing any configuration issues. If you cancel, you would not be able to create a new plan for 84 days. If you have made up your mind to cancel Google Workspace, then you can follow the simple steps explained above. Remember to download all your important data and documents before canceling your subscription because you would not be able to restore them after canceling your Google workspace. 



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